


本通知描述如何使用和披露您的医疗信息,以及您如何获得这些信息. 请仔细审阅.



澳门搏彩网首页网址 is committed to protecting your medical information. 我们会记录你在医院接受的护理和澳门搏彩网首页网址. We need this record to provide you with quality care and to comply with certain legal requirements. This notice applies to all of the records of your care generated by the hospital, 无论是由医院工作人员还是您的私人医生制作. WMC的所有员工和志愿者以及任何被授权在您的记录中输入信息的医疗保健专业人员都将遵守此通知. 您的私人医生可能对医生使用和披露您在医生办公室或诊所创建的医疗信息有不同的政策或通知.

This notice will tell you about the ways in which we may use and disclose medical information about you. 我们还描述了您在使用和披露医疗信息方面的权利和我们的某些义务.

法律要求我们确保识别您的医疗信息保密,并向您提供本通知,说明我们的隐私做法. We are required by law to follow the terms of the notice that is currently in effect. 我们保留更改此通知的权利, 使任何修订适用于我们保留的关于您的所有受保护健康信息以及我们将来收到的任何信息. We will post a copy of the current notice in the hospital and at the hospital website. The notice will contain on the first page, in the top right-hand corner, the effective date. In addition, 每次您作为住院或门诊病人在医院登记或入院接受治疗或澳门搏彩网首页网址时, 你可以索取一份通知副本. 如果通知有变化, 我们将张贴修订后的通知副本,并应要求提供修订后的隐私惯例通知的纸质副本.


The following categories describe different ways that we use and disclose medical information. 对于每个类别,我们将尝试给出一些例子. 并不是每一个类别的使用或披露都将被列出.

  • For Treatment. We may use medical information to provide you with medical treatment or services. For example, 为你治疗断腿的医生可能需要知道你是否患有糖尿病,因为糖尿病可能会减缓愈合过程. In addition, 医生可能需要告诉营养师你是否患有糖尿病,以便我们安排合适的膳食.
  • For Payment. We may use and disclose medical information about you so that the payment may be collected from you, 保险公司或第三方. For example, 我们可能需要提供您在医院接受手术的健康计划信息,以便他们支付给我们或报销您的手术费用. 我们也可能会告诉你的健康计划你将要接受的治疗,以获得事先批准或确定你的计划是否包括治疗.
  • 医疗保健业务. 这些信息的使用和披露对医院的运营是必要的,并确保我们所有的病人都能得到高质量的护理. For example, 我们可能会使用医疗信息来审查我们的治疗和澳门搏彩网首页网址,并评估我们的工作人员在照顾您方面的表现. 我们也可能将我们拥有的医疗信息与其他医院的医疗信息结合起来,比较我们的做法,看看我们在提供的护理和澳门搏彩网首页网址方面可以在哪些方面做出改进.
  • 商业伙伴. There are some services provided in the hospital through contracts with business associates. 示例包括某些实验室测试以及我们在复制您的健康记录时使用的复制澳门搏彩网首页网址. We may disclose health information to our business associate so they can perform their job; however, we require the business associate to appropriately safeguard your information.
  • 约会提醒. 我们可能会使用和披露医疗信息与您联系,以提醒您在医院有澳门搏彩网首页网址预约.
  • 治疗的选择. 我们可能会使用和披露医疗信息来告诉您或推荐可能的治疗方案或替代方案.
  • 与健康有关的福利和澳门搏彩网首页网址. We may use and disclose medical information to tell you about health-related benefits or services.
  • 筹款活动. 我们可能会与您联系,或者与医院相关的基金会可能会与您联系,为医院或其运营筹集资金. 我们只会公布澳门搏彩网首页网址, 比如你的名字, address and phone number and the dates you received treatment or services at the hospital. 如果你不想让医院联系你筹款, 您必须书面通知管理员.
  • 患者信息. Unless you object, we will release your room number and condition (fair, stable, etc.)给那些叫你名字的家人或朋友. 你的宗教信仰将被授予神职人员, 即使他们没有点名找你, 除非你反对.
  • 参与您的护理或支付您的护理的个人. Unless you object, 我们将向参与您医疗护理的朋友或家人发布您的医疗信息. 我们也可能会将信息提供给帮助支付您护理费用的人.
  • Disaster Relief. 我们可能会向协助救灾工作的实体披露您的医疗信息,以便通知您的家人您的病情, 状态和位置.
  • Research. We may use and disclose medical information about you for research purposes. All research projects, however, are subject to a special approval process. We shall attempt to ask for your specific permission if the researcher will have access to your name, 地址和其他能透露你身份的信息, 或者在医院照顾你.
  • 按法律规定. We will disclose medical information when required by federal, state or local law.
  • 避免对健康或安全的严重威胁. 我们可能会使用和披露有关您的医疗信息,以防止对您的健康和安全、公众或其他人的健康和安全造成严重威胁.
  • 器官及组织捐赠. 符合适用法律, 我们可能会在必要时向器官采购组织披露健康信息,以促进器官或组织捐赠或移植.
  • 军人和退伍军人. 如果你是军队的一员, we may release medical information about you as required by military command authorities.
  • 工人的补偿. We may release medical information about you for workers’ compensation or similar programs.
  • 公众健康风险. 我们可能会为公共卫生活动披露您的医疗信息,包括报告疾病和生命事件. We may also disclose information to report reactions to medications or problems with products; to notify of recalls of products they are using; to notify a person who may have been exposed to a disease or may be at risk for contracting or spreading a disease; to notify the appropriate government authority if we believe a patient has been the victim of abuse, 忽视或家庭暴力.
  • 卫生监督活动. We may disclose medical information to a health oversight agency for activities authorized by law. These activities include, for example, audits, investigations, inspections, and licensure.
  • 诉讼与争议. 如果你卷入了一场官司, we may disclose medical information about you in response to a court or administrative order. We may also disclose medical information about you in response to a subpoena, discovery request, 或者由争议当事人通过其他合法程序解决争议, 但前提是已努力告知您有关请求或已获得保护所请求信息的命令.
  • Law Enforcement. We may release medical information if asked to do so by a law enforcement official. 这些活动可能是对法院命令的回应, subpoena, warrant, 传票或类似程序. Also medical information may be disclosed if it is relevant to a legitimate law enforcement inquiry, 比如调查犯罪.
  • 验尸官,验尸官和葬礼主管. 我们可以向验尸官公布医疗信息, for example, 鉴定死者身份或确定死因. 如有必要,我们亦会向殡仪承办人公布病人的医疗资料,以协助他们履行职责.
  • 国家安全和情报活动. We may release medical information about you to authorized federal officials for intelligence, 反间谍, 以及法律授权的其他国家安全活动.
  • Inmates. If you are an inmate of a correctional institution or under the custody of a law enforcement official, we may release medical information about you to the correctional institution or law enforcement official.


You have the following rights regarding medical information we maintain about you:

  • 查阅及复制权. You have the right to inspect and copy medical information that includes medical and billing records. You must submit your request in writing to the Health Information Department. 如果你想要一份资料的副本, 我们可能会收取复制费用, 邮寄或其他与您的要求相关的用品. 在某些情况下,我们可能会拒绝你方查阅和复制的要求. If you are denied access to medical information, you may request that the denial be reviewed.
  • Right to Amend. If you feel the medical information we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, 你可以要求我们修改信息. 要求修改, your request must be made in writing and submitted to the Health Information Department. 我们可能会因某些特殊原因拒绝您的请求, and if denied, 是否会向您提供书面解释和信息,说明您在这一点上拥有的进一步权利.
  • 对披露进行会计处理的权利. 你有权要求“披露账目”.” This is a list of the disclosures we made of medical information about you. 并非所有的披露都需要会计.
    • To request this, you must submit your request in writing to the Health Information Department. . 您在12个月内要求的第一个列表将是免费的. 额外的名单要收费.
  • 要求限制的权利. 您有权要求限制或限制我们为治疗而使用或披露您的医疗信息, 支付或医疗保健业务. 我们不必同意你的要求. If we do agree, we will comply with your request unless the information is needed to provide you emergency treatment. To request restrictions, you must make your request in writing to the Health Information Department.
  • 要求保密通信的权利. 您有权要求我们以特定方式或在特定地点与您沟通医疗事宜. 要求保密通信, you must make your request in writing to the Health Information Department. 我们将满足所有合理的要求.
  • 有权获得本通知书的书面副本. 您可以在我们的网站www上获得本通知的副本.celebcool.com. 索取本通知的书面副本, contact the Admissions Office or call (662) 773-6211 and request a copy be mailed to you.


If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint.

Lindsey Crowell, RHIA
Director of HIM, Compliance and Privacy Officer, Medical Staff Coordinator
Tel: 662-779-5156

所有投诉必须以书面形式提交. Complaints may be mailed to the Department of Health and Human Services, PO Box 8018, Baltimore, MD 21244



未经您的书面许可,我们不会出于任何其他目的使用或披露您的医疗信息. 您可以在任何时候以书面形式撤销该许可. You understand that we are unable to take back any disclosures we have already made with your permission, and that we are required to retain our records of the care that we provided to you.